Danette Crawford
God’s promises are still at work in your life. Allow God to resurrect those dead dreams and visions of your heart. When the time fully comes, God’s will shall come to pass. Keep believing God’s word because when His will and timing intersect, suddenly His promises will be fulfilled in your life!
Danette Crawford
The anointing of the Holy Spirit is with you! Boots on the ground, God is calling you to take the land all around you. Are you ready to receive the land that God has promised you? Stand in faith today that God will never leave you or forsake you; you are never alone!
Danette Crawford
Stand bold and confident as you await the fulfillment of your dreams and promises. God is faithful to fulfill His promises to you and He will meet you as you take one step of obedience at a time. Keep standing for God’s promises because God’s best is always worth waiting for!
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