Danette Crawford
God will strengthen you to overcome discouragement, addiction, and depression. Like Joshua, you will take new land in your life; and like Nehemiah, you will rebuild walls of brokenness. Take courage in the Lord today. You are never alone!
Danette Crawford
Now is your time to release the old and embrace the new! Fine-tune your focus for the new season by overcoming distraction, unforgiveness, and frustrations. Remain focused and passionate as you trust in the Lord today.
Danette Crawford
Faith is the key to unlocking your miracles. Trust in the Lord for your deliverance and stand in faith for God’s complete healing. Tune in to the Word of the Lord as God brings breakthrough miracles to you today.
Danette Crawford
God has the power to set you free from every hurt and addiction. No matter how long you’ve been in the pit of addiction, God will pull you out into freedom. The grace of God will empower and enable you to break free. Today is your day of deliverance!
Mailing Address: PO BOX 65036, Virginia Beach, VA 23467