Danette Crawford
God wants to give you the power of the Breaker’s Anointing! Learn to flow in the power of God’s Holy Spirit and be set free from addictions, guilt, and hopelessness. Let the fire of God place resurrection power in your heart as He anoints you to break off every chain of bondage from your life.
Danette Crawford
God will strengthen you to overcome discouragement, addiction, and depression. Like Joshua, you will take new land in your life; and like Nehemiah, you will rebuild walls of brokenness. Take courage in the Lord today. You are never alone!
Danette Crawford
God is the Healer and He wants to heal you of all emotional brokenness. Allow the unconditional love of God to set you free of pain and secure your identity in Christ. God wants to take you from the pit of brokenness to the peak of wholeness. Today is your day to find wholeness in Christ.
Danette Crawford
You have The Anointing! Are you struggling with addiction, fear, or depression? God has placed an anointing in you and on you that breaks off every form of bondage. Desire the fire of God and embrace the power of prayer to break free from every yoke and set others free. God’s yoke breaking power is available to you today!
Mailing Address: PO BOX 65036, Virginia Beach, VA 23467