Danette Crawford
Financial freedom is available to you today by the power of the Holy Spirit. Allow God to shift your mindset and deliver you from fears related to money and finances. As you remain fixed in the presence of God, God will teach you how to live in freedom from financial bondage!
Danette Crawford
God has called you for such a time as this. Now is your time to let your spirit man arise and fulfill God’s destiny for your life. Now is your time to be bold and confident in God as you go into all the world and win souls for Jesus.
Danette Crawford
The anointing of the Holy Spirit is with you! Boots on the ground, God is calling you to take the land all around you. Are you ready to receive the land that God has promised you? Stand in faith today that God will never leave you or forsake you; you are never alone!
God’s will is to give you His best, and that starts with focus. Like Esther in the palace, learn to be fine-tuned in your focus and prosper in your positions of blessing. Determine to release the old and embrace the new so that you can focus on the hopeful future that God has for you!
Mailing Address: PO BOX 65036, Virginia Beach, VA 23467