Danette Crawford
God has the power to set you free from every hurt and addiction. No matter how long you’ve been in the pit of addiction, God will pull you out into freedom. The grace of God will empower and enable you to break free. Today is your day of deliverance!
Danette Crawford
How can we forgive those who have wounded us the most? On this episode of Joy, Join Danette Crawford and her special guest as they reveal the keys to forgiving, even when it hurts.
Danette Crawford
Do you desire the fire of God? It is the fire and power of God that will set you free from every form of bondage. Let God anoint you with the Breaker’s Anointing as you passionately pursue the call of God for your life. Be determined to go all the way with yoke breaking anointing!
Danette Crawford
God has called you for such a time as this. Now is your time to let your spirit man arise and fulfill God’s destiny for your life. Now is your time to be bold and confident in God as you go into all the world and win souls for Jesus.
Mailing Address: PO BOX 65036, Virginia Beach, VA 23467