Consistently Working to Better Our Youth...
Over 38,475 hours have been invested giving at-risk youths after school homework assistance.

After-school assistance is a vital part of helping at-risk children overcome difficulties so they can succeed academically and in life. For many at-risk children, homework seems like an impossible task. Some children are unable to get help with their homework because their only guardian is working, or may not have the basic education level that would allow them to be of assistance.
One in five children—11.3 million children—are home alone after school.
Build the confidence to work independently and successfully complete work on their own
Provide after school homework assistance and tutoring for at-risk children within their communities
Increase the overall academic success of enrolled children at every grade level

Eli had a severe speech impediment. His mother was told by his teachers that he needed to be enrolled in speech therapy classes and that they were going to fail him so that he could repeat his grade the following year. “We can’t even understand what he is saying,” they told his mother. Every day after school, Eli would get off the school bus and come to our Lighthouse Learning Center where he would receive help for his homework. By the middle of the year, Eli had experienced a total turnaround. His teachers said that they had seen a great change in Eli, and said that he no longer needed to enroll in the speech therapy class; and they no longer wanted to fail him. In fact, Eli was reading at a third grade reading level, even though he was only in the first grade.
Be a Part of Our Growth...
Help to provide more resources to effectively tutor & support the academic success of our students!