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Break Free From Financial Bondage Part 2

Danette Crawford

Financial freedom is available to you today by the power of the Holy Spirit. Allow God to shift your mindset and deliver you from fears related to money and finances. As you remain fixed in the presence of God, God will teach you how to live in freedom from financial bondage!

Fulfilled Dreams And Promises Part 2

Danette Crawford

Keep hope and expectation alive as you stand confidently for God’s promises in your life. Allow God to prune you and heal your wounds on the way to the fulfillment of your dreams. As you abide with the Lord, He will bring about the fulfillment of your dreams and promises.

Now Is Your Time Part 1

Danette Crawford

God has called you for such a time as this. Now is your time to let your spirit man arise and fulfill God’s destiny for your life. Now is your time to be bold and confident in God as you go into all the world and win souls for Jesus.

Winners Don’t Whine

Danette Crawford

Now is your time to let the winner rise up in you! Like Daniel, you can take courage in times of hardship, knowing that by the power of prayer and the declaration of God’s word, you have the victory. Speak the word of God over you life today. The battle is not over until you win!

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