Danette Crawford
God’s promises never expire! Keep believing and keep standing; God will give you fresh new strength as you wait for the Lord’s promises over your life. Continue to walk in obediene where God has positioned you, and God will cause you to cross over into the promised land!
Danette Crawford
God has called you for such a time as this. Now is your time to let your spirit man arise and fulfill God’s destiny for your life. Now is your time to be bold and confident in God as you go into all the world and win souls for Jesus.
Danette Crawford
Have you endured the grief of a loss or disappointment? This is not where your story ends! Join Danette Crawford and her guests, Philip and Denise Cappuccio, as they share the keys to overcoming grief.
Danette Crawford
Now is your time to release the old and embrace the new! Fine-tune your focus for the new season by overcoming distraction, unforgiveness, and frustrations. Remain focused and passionate as you trust in the Lord today.
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